Natto Powder

Product Name: Natto Powder
Part Used:Seed
Appearance:Brown Powder
Extraction Type: Solvent Extraction
Test Method: HPLC
Sample: Available
Certificate:Halal,Kosher,FDA,ISO9001,PAHS Free,NON-GMO,SC
Delivery Term:DHL,FEDAX,UPS,Air Freight,Sea Freight
Stock in LA USA warehouse

Unlocking the Potential of Natto Powder: A Comprehensive Guide


Natto powder is a flexible fixing gotten from the customary Japanese matured soybean dish known as natto. Eminent for its novel flavor profile and various medical advantages, natto has been a staple in Japanese cooking for quite a long time. Presently, with the approach of natto powder, its culinary applications have extended past conventional limits.


Made through a careful course of maturation and drying, natto powder holds the unmistakable umami taste and wholesome wealth of its parent dish. Loaded with probiotics, nutrients, and minerals, it offers a heap of wellbeing benefits, including further developed processing, reinforced insusceptible capability, and improved cardiovascular wellbeing.

In the domain of culinary expressions, natto powder fills in as a flexible fixing, conferring its particular exquisite taste to a different scope of dishes. Whether integrated into soups, sauces, marinades, or heated merchandise, its special flavor adds profundity and intricacy, lifting the culinary experience higher than ever.

Besides, natto powder's accommodation and broadened timeframe of realistic usability go with it an optimal decision for present day ways of life. With its concentrated structure, it offers the adaptability of simple stockpiling and transportation without settling on taste or dietary benefit.

Past its culinary ability, natto powder has tracked down applications in the domain of skincare and health items. Wealthy in cell reinforcements and amino acids, it supports the skin and advances a young tone, making it a sought after fixing in magnificence definitions.

Natto powder remains as a demonstration of the getting through tradition of Japanese culinary custom, while likewise embracing development to take care of the developing requirements of contemporary buyers. Whether appreciated for its rich flavor, wholesome abundance, or adaptable applications, natto powder keeps on enthralling taste buds and move culinary imagination around the world.

1. Product Details

Natto powder is gotten from matured soybeans, a cycle that includes the maturation of soybeans with Bacillus subtilis natto. The subsequent item is then dried out and ground into a fine powder, saving its dietary substance and flavor. Natto powder normally holds the trademark smell and taste of conventional natto, though in a more focused structure, making it reasonable for a large number of uses.

2. Specifications

Parameter Specification
Appearance Fine powder
Color Light brown
Odor Characteristic
Moisture Content ≤ 5%
Total Plate Count ≤ 10,000 cfu/g
E. coli Negative
Salmonella Negative
Shelf Life 24 months

3. Ingredients and Functional Characteristics

  1. Ingredients: Natto powder principally involves matured soybeans, with Bacillus subtilis natto being the key aging specialist. This basic yet strong blend pervades the powder with a rich cluster of supplements, including protein, nutrients, minerals, and bioactive mixtures.

  2. Functional Characteristics:

    • Nutritional Density: Natto powder is a concentrated wellspring of supplements, especially protein, iron, calcium, and nutrient K2. These supplements assume fundamental parts in supporting generally wellbeing and prosperity.
    • Digestive Health: The maturation interaction improves the bioavailability of supplements and delivers catalysts that advance stomach related wellbeing, for example, nattokinase, which shows fibrinolytic action and may uphold cardiovascular wellbeing.
    • Antioxidant Properties: Natto contains intense cell reinforcements like vitamin E, which assist with combatting oxidative pressure and lessen the gamble of ongoing sicknesses.
    • Immune Support: The presence of bioactive mixtures in natto powder, including peptides and isoflavones, may support the safe framework and help in shielding against diseases.

4. Market Trends and Future Prospects

The market for natto powder is encountering consistent development, driven by expanding customer consciousness of the medical advantages related with natto utilization. As the interest for practical food fixings keeps on rising, natto powder holds huge potential for fuse into different items, including supplements, drinks, bread kitchen products, and flavorful tidbits.

Moreover, continuous examination into the wellbeing advancing properties of natto and its constituents is supposed to fuel further advancement in item improvement. With its flexibility and healthful profile, natto powder is ready to cut out a specialty in the worldwide utilitarian food market, offering makers and purchasers the same a helpful and nutritious fixing choice.

5. Function

  1. Nourishing Supplementation: Natto powder fills in as a brilliant wellspring of fundamental supplements, making it a significant expansion to dietary enhancements and strengthened food items.
  2. Digestive Support: The catalysts present in natto powder help in absorption and may ease gastrointestinal uneasiness.
  3. Cardiovascular Wellbeing: Nattokinase, a powerful catalyst found in natto powder, displays thrombolytic action, possibly lessening the gamble of blood clumps and cardiovascular illnesses.
  4. Bone Health: Nutrient K2, bountiful in natto powder, assumes an essential part in calcium digestion and bone wellbeing, making it gainful for people in danger of osteoporosis.
  5. Antioxidant Protection: The cancer prevention agents in natto powder assist with killing free revolutionaries and shield cells from oxidative harm, adding to by and large wellbeing and life span.

6. Application Fields

  1. Food and Beverage Industry: Natto powder can be integrated into different food and drink plans to improve flavor, surface, and healthy benefit. It tracks down applications in soups, sauces, plunges, dressings, smoothies, and useful refreshments.
  2. Nutraceuticals: Natto powder fills in as a critical fixing in the detailing of dietary enhancements pointed toward advancing cardiovascular wellbeing, stomach related health, and generally speaking essentialness.
  3. Cosmeceuticals: Because of its cancer prevention agent properties, natto powder is used in skincare and corrective items to battle maturing and shield the skin from natural stressors.
  4. Animal Feed: Natto powder can be added to creature feed definitions to upgrade supplement assimilation, work on stomach related wellbeing, and lift resistance in domesticated animals and poultry.

7.Flow Chart




9.Planting Base



In conclusion, natto powder represents a promising functional food ingredient with a myriad of health benefits and versatile applications. Its nutritional density, digestive support, cardiovascular protection, and antioxidant properties make it a valuable addition to dietary supplements, food products, and cosmetic formulations. As consumer interest in natural and nutritious ingredients continues to grow, the market for natto powder is expected to expand, offering ample opportunities for manufacturers and suppliers. For high-quality natto powder products and comprehensive services, Sanxin Biotechnology stands as a reputable manufacturer and supplier, providing a wide range of options to meet the diverse needs of customers. With its commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, Sanxin Biotechnology is poised to lead the way in the global natto powder market. For inquiries and orders, please contact us at

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